When choosing a snack it is important to select a food that contains a large amount of these essential nutrients in comparison to the caloric value of the

A. Vitamins/nutrients
B. vitamins/minerals
c. vitamins/proteins
D. vitamins/vegetables

When choosing a snack that provides essential nutrients in relation to its caloric value, it is important to prioritize food options that offer a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the correct answer would be B. vitamins/minerals.

To determine which food contains a high amount of vitamins and minerals compared to their caloric value, you can consider the following:
1. Read the nutrition labels: Look for snacks that have high percentages of vitamins and minerals listed on the nutrition facts panel. These percentages indicate the amount of each nutrient in relation to the recommended daily intake.
2. Consider nutrient density: Nutrient-dense foods contain a high amount of vitamins and minerals in proportion to their calorie content. Examples of nutrient-dense snacks include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins.
3. Research nutritional value: Online resources, food databases, or mobile apps can provide information about the nutritional content of various snacks. Look for snacks that have a good balance of vitamins and minerals without excessive calories.

By focusing on foods that offer a high concentration of vitamins and minerals compared to their calorie content, you can make snack choices that contribute to your nutritional needs while maintaining a healthy caloric balance.