Megan and Jack both live on the same street that the library is on.

Write an expression to find the distance between Jake (-4.5) and Megan (5.5)

write an expression to find the distance between jake (-4.5) and megan (5.5)

To find the distance between Jake (-4.5) and Megan (5.5), you can use the absolute value of the difference between their positions.

The expression to find the distance between Jake and Megan is:

|(-4.5) - (5.5)|

Simplifying this expression gives:

| -10 |

Which is equal to 10.

Therefore, the distance between Jake and Megan is 10 units.

To find the distance between Megan and Jack, we need to subtract their positions on the same street. Given that Megan's position is 5.5 and Jack's position is -4.5, we can write the expression as:

Distance = Megan's position - Jack's position
= 5.5 - (-4.5)

To simplify the expression, we can perform the subtraction operation:

Distance = 5.5 + 4.5
= 10

Therefore, the distance between Megan and Jack is 10 units.

just use the standard distance formula.