Read the following sentence.

Jack's words burned Anna and she cried for days.

Which of following best explains what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna"?

Jack yelled at Anna.

Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

Jack's words set fire to Anna.

Jack no longer wanted to be friends with Anna.

B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

The best explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna" is B. Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings.

To determine the best explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna," we need to understand the meaning behind the phrase "Jack's words burned Anna." This requires analyzing the context of the sentence.

In this sentence, the phrase "Jack's words burned Anna" is a figurative expression rather than a literal one. It suggests that Jack's words had a strong and negative emotional impact on Anna. The word "burned" indicates that the impact was intense and painful.

Given this context, we can conclude that option B, "Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings," is the best explanation for what happened. The sentence indicates that Jack said something hurtful or offensive to Anna, causing her emotional pain.

Therefore, the correct explanation for what happened when "Jack's words burned Anna" is that Jack's words hurt Anna's feelings (option B).