. Write a program that allows a small business owner to input, in parallel arrays, the type of item, its cost, and the number in stock. The program should output this information in the form of a table. You can assume that columns will be correctly formatted at a later time. The output will look something like this:

no example shown

you can find code snippets online that do just this kind of thing.

Write a program that allows a small business owner to input, in parallel arrays, the type of item, its cost, and the number in stock. The program should output this information in the form of a table. You can assume that columns will be correctly formatted at later time.

Sure, I can help you with that. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a Python program that allows a small business owner to input and display information in parallel arrays:

Step 1: Declare empty arrays to store the item type, cost, and quantity in stock.
item_types = []
costs = []
quantities = []

Step 2: Prompt the user to enter the information for each item in a loop, and store it in the respective arrays.
while True:
item_type = input("Enter the item type (or 'q' to quit): ")
if item_type == 'q':
cost = float(input("Enter the cost: "))
quantity = int(input("Enter the quantity in stock: "))


Step 3: Display the information in a table format using a loop.
print("Item Type\tCost\tQuantity")

for i in range(len(item_types)):

Here's the complete program:

item_types = []
costs = []
quantities = []

while True:
item_type = input("Enter the item type (or 'q' to quit): ")
if item_type == 'q':
cost = float(input("Enter the cost: "))
quantity = int(input("Enter the quantity in stock: "))


print("Item Type\tCost\tQuantity")

for i in range(len(item_types)):

You can run this program and input the required information for each item. After entering all the items, it will display the information in a table format as you need.