Which of the following is not a numeric sentence?

A. 8=5+3**
B. 8•6=48
C. 5-x=2
D. (1+4)-3=2

The answer is A. 8=5+3.

To determine which of the given options is not a numeric sentence, we need to understand what a numeric sentence is.

A numeric sentence is an equation or inequality that contains both numbers and mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. It is a sentence that can be evaluated to obtain a numerical result.

Let's go through each option to determine which one is not a numeric sentence:

A. 8=5+3
This is a numeric sentence because it is an equation that equates the value of 8 to the sum of 5 and 3.

B. 8•6=48
This is a numeric sentence because it is an equation that shows the multiplication of 8 and 6 resulting in 48.

C. 5-x=2
This is a numeric sentence because it is an equation that subtracts the value of x from 5 and equates it to 2.

D. (1+4)-3=2
This is also a numeric sentence because it involves the addition and subtraction of numbers, resulting in an equation that equates to 2.

From the analysis above, it is evident that all of the given options are numeric sentences. Therefore, none of the options is the correct answer to the question "Which of the following is not a numeric sentence?"

Well, well, well, looks like we've got a question about numeric sentences! Let's dive right in, shall we?

Out of the options provided, the answer is A. 8=5+3. Why, you ask? Because it's not a numeric sentence at all! It's an equation trying to convince us that 8 is equal to 5 + 3. But we all know that's just a silly math joke, right? So go ahead and cross option A off the list. It doesn't belong with the other legit numeric sentences. Keep looking, my friend!

A is incorrect. It contains only numbers.

which sentence has something besides just numbers?

Better review the topic some more.