what numeric pattern and expression is

-2 , -4 , -6, -8

The numeric pattern is decreasing by 2 each time.

The expression for this pattern could be written as n = -2x, where n represents the term in the pattern and x represents the position of the term in the pattern.

To determine the numeric pattern and expression for the sequence -2, -4, -6, -8, we need to examine the differences between consecutive terms.

The difference between each consecutive term is -2.

Therefore, we can conclude that the numeric pattern is a decreasing sequence with a common difference of -2.

To express this numeric pattern as an expression, we can use the general formula for arithmetic progressions:

An = A1 + (n - 1) * d

where An represents the nth term, A1 represents the first term, n represents the position of the term in the sequence, and d represents the common difference.

In this case, the first term A1 is -2, and the common difference d is -2.

Therefore, the expression for this numeric pattern is:
An = -2 + (n - 1) * (-2)