Which of the following did the Roman republic and Greek democracy have in common?

A. All citizens where granted freedom to practice various religions
B. All citizens created the laws for their society
C. Citizens could participate in government by voting
D. Citizens put a constitutional monarchy in place so governmental power was shared

Please help me

To determine which of the options A, B, C, or D is correct, we need to understand the characteristics of both the Roman Republic and Greek democracy.

Both the Roman Republic and Greek democracy were ancient forms of government in which citizens had certain rights and responsibilities. Here's a breakdown of each option:

A. All citizens where granted freedom to practice various religions:
In Ancient Rome, citizens were allowed to practice various religions as long as they did not challenge the authority of the state. Similarly, in Greek democracy, citizens were relatively free to practice their own religious beliefs. So, this option is a possible commonality.

B. All citizens created the laws for their society:
In Ancient Rome, laws were created by elected officials or assemblies, whereas in Greek democracy, Athenian citizens had direct participation in lawmaking through the Assembly. Both systems involved some degree of citizen involvement in shaping the laws, so this option is another possible commonality.

C. Citizens could participate in government by voting:
In both the Roman Republic and Greek democracy, citizens had the right to vote. In Rome, citizens elected officials such as consuls and tribunes, while in Greek democracy, Athenian citizens voted directly on various matters in the Assembly. This is another possible commonality.

D. Citizens put a constitutional monarchy in place so governmental power was shared:
This option is incorrect as neither the Roman Republic nor Greek democracy had a constitutional monarchy. In fact, both systems were characterized by their avoidance of monarchy or hereditary rule. In the Roman Republic, supreme power was shared among elected officials and assemblies, while in Greek democracy, power was held by the people themselves.

Based on the information provided, options A, B, and C seem to have common characteristics in both the Roman Republic and Greek democracy. However, option D is not accurate.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
A. All citizens were granted freedom to practice various religions,
B. All citizens created the laws for their society, and
C. Citizens could participate in government by voting.