Who is the main character in “Foreign Lands”?

A. Ricky Rassi
B. Anthony Rassi
C. Carlos Rassi
D. Gabriella Rassi

sorry about that, i was just trying to see if anybody had any suggestions xx foreign lands is a poem so im just a lil confused

No need to apologize. That other person was a little rude, so I deleted their post. Someone who has read the story will hopefully help you when they see your question.

oh, thank you !!

To determine the main character in the story "Foreign Lands," one can start by looking for information about the story itself. It could be a novel, a short story, a play, or any other literary work. Once this information is established, there are a few steps you can take to find the main character:

1. Research the title: Look for information about the story "Foreign Lands." Check if it is a well-known literary work or if it is part of a larger collection or series.

2. Read summaries or reviews: Find summaries or reviews of the story. These often provide insights into the main characters and their roles within the narrative. Look for any information about the character that appears to have a central or prominent role.

3. Check the author's profile: If available, research the author of the story "Foreign Lands." Authors often have recurring themes or characters in their works. If this is the case, it might help you identify the main character based on the author's style and preferences.

4. Consult literature guides or online forums: Visit literature guides or online forums dedicated to discussing the story "Foreign Lands." These resources are often insightful and may include discussions on the main characters and their significance in the narrative.

Based on the given options, it seems that the main character in "Foreign Lands" is likely one of the Rassi characters. To determine which Rassi character is the main character, further research or sources specific to the story may be needed.