Explain this character!

Name: Carlos
- Personality traits:
1. Intelligence: Carlos is intelligent, suggesting a sharp mind and quick thinking.
2. Desire for control: He enjoys being in charge and having authority.
3. Obedience: Carlos is obedient to those in higher positions.
4. Non-confrontational: He rarely engages in physical fights, preferring to avoid conflict.
5. Truth-oriented: Carlos strongly dislikes lies and values honesty.
6. Anger-prone: He has the tendency to get very angry, which might indicate a passionate nature.
7. Kindness: Despite his other traits, Carlos generally displays kindness towards others.
- Additional details: Carlos whispers Spanish words that others cannot understand, especially when he is frustrated, confused, or even insulting someone (though they are unaware of it because he is in England)." Works for a man who has a large estate, and grows wheat. Was born in England but lived in spain from being 5 years old to 15. He is 17 years old

Carlos is a complex character with various personality traits that contribute to his overall demeanor. He is highly intelligent, which is reflected in his sharp mind and quick thinking abilities. This intelligence allows him to grasp concepts easily and make informed decisions.

One prominent characteristic of Carlos is his desire for control. He enjoys being in charge and having authority over situations or people. This trait might stem from his upbringing or personal experiences, as it shapes his interactions with others.

While Carlos craves control, he is obedient to those in higher positions. This indicates that he respects authority and follows rules or directions given by figures of power. This trait suggests a certain level of deference and submission in his personality.

Carlos is non-confrontational, meaning he tends to avoid physical fights and conflict whenever possible. Instead of engaging in physical altercations, he prefers to find peaceful resolutions or simply walk away from confrontations. This aspect of his personality suggests that he values harmony and dislikes drama or aggression.

Another important trait of Carlos is his truth-oriented nature. He strongly dislikes lies and places great value on honesty. This honesty might extend to both others and himself, as he appreciates genuine communication and authentic relationships.

Carlos is known to have an anger-prone disposition. He occasionally displays intense anger, indicating that he possesses a passionate nature. This anger is perhaps triggered by specific stimuli or situations and reflects the intensity of his emotions.

Despite his other traits, Carlos is generally kind towards others. This kindness showcases his compassionate side and suggests that he genuinely cares about the well-being of those around him.

An interesting additional detail about Carlos is his inclination to whisper Spanish words that others cannot understand. This aspect of his character adds depth to his identity and demonstrates his connection to his Spanish roots. Carlos might do this when he is frustrated, confused, or even insulting someone, a way of expressing himself that others are unaware of due to their inability to comprehend the language.

Lastly, Carlos currently works for a wealthy man who owns a large estate and focuses on wheat farming. This employment not only provides insight into his occupation but also suggests a potential connection to agriculture or the rural environment.

Overall, Carlos is a multidimensional character with various traits, experiences, and cultural influences that shape his actions and interactions.