At 5:00 a.m., the temperature outside was 1°F below zero. By noon, it rose by 12°F. At 7:00 p.m., the temperature dropped by 6°F. What was the evening temperature?

-1 + 12 - 6 = ?

WHats your tik tok

mine is Tiktok_app7 llol

Te answer to this question is 5. :)

NVM that is not the answer sorry wrong one.

it 4

To find the evening temperature, we need to start with the temperature at noon and then subtract the drop in temperature at 7:00 p.m.

We are given that at noon, the temperature rose by 12°F. So, if the temperature at noon was X°F, then the evening temperature would be X°F - 6°F.

Now, to find the temperature at noon, we need to consider the starting temperature at 5:00 a.m., which was 1°F below zero. If we represent the temperature at noon as X°F, we can equate it to the starting temperature at 5:00 a.m. plus the rise in temperature by noon:

X°F = (-1°F) + 12°F

Simplifying the equation:

X°F = 11°F

Now, to find the evening temperature, we subtract the drop in temperature at 7:00 p.m.:

Evening temperature = Noon temperature - Drop in temperature
Evening temperature = 11°F - 6°F

Therefore, the evening temperature is 5°F.