Yesterday, between noon and midnight, the temperature dropped by 29.6°F. If the temperature was -5.4°F at midnight, what was it at noon?

-5.4 + 29.6 = 24.2

To find out the temperature at noon, we can work backwards from the known temperature at midnight.

Step 1: Determine the temperature change
The temperature dropped by 29.6°F between noon and midnight. This means that the temperature at noon was 29.6°F higher than the temperature at midnight.

Step 2: Calculate the temperature at noon
If the temperature at midnight was -5.4°F and the temperature at noon was 29.6°F higher, we can find the temperature at noon by adding the temperature change to the temperature at midnight.

-5.4°F + 29.6°F = 24.2°F

Therefore, the temperature at noon was 24.2°F.

To find out the temperature at noon, we need to calculate the change in temperature between noon and midnight and then subtract this change from the temperature at midnight.

The given information states that the temperature dropped by 29.6°F between noon and midnight. This means that the temperature at noon was 29.6°F higher than the temperature at midnight.

If the temperature at midnight was -5.4°F, we can add 29.6°F to find out the temperature at noon.

-5.4°F + 29.6°F = 24.2°F

Therefore, the temperature at noon was 24.2°F.