You start a search for a buried object by marking the center of a field as (0, 0), with coordinates giving distances in yards. Coordinates to the north or east are positive, and coordinates to the south or west are negative. You find nothing at (–10, 6), so you try a likely looking spot 3 yards to the east and 12 yards to the south of the first spot. What are the coordinates of the second spot?

(–7, –6)

(12, –6)

(–13, –9)

(5, –3)

idk the answer to this one, this is a test, can someone help me, I already tried to answer it:(((

Co-ordinate of the second spot (-10+3,6-12)=(_____)

Since you know that N to E are positive

S to w negative

Is it (North , East) (sailor's way) or (East , North) (Mathematician's way) ?

Since you said " 3 yards to the east and 12 yards to the south " I am going to guess (East , North) or (x,y)
East -10 +3 = ?
Do North the same way

Thank you guys:)

To find the coordinates of the second spot, you need to consider the movement from the first spot. Based on the given information, the second spot is located 3 yards east and 12 yards south from the first spot.

Starting from the coordinates of (-10, 6), to move east 3 yards, you add 3 to the x-coordinate (-10 + 3 = -7). To move south 12 yards, you subtract 12 from the y-coordinate (6 - 12 = -6).

Therefore, the coordinates of the second spot are (-7, -6).

So, the correct answer is A. (–7, –6).