You start a search for a buried object by marking the center of a field as (0, 0) with coordinates giving distances in yards. Coordinates to the north or east are positive and coordinates to the south or west are negative. You find nothing at (- 12, 8) so you try a likely- looking spot 3 yards to the east and 11 yards to the south of the first spot. What are the Coordinates of the second spot?

(- 9, 19)

O(- 9, - 3)

O(- 15, 19)

O(- 15, - 3)

(- 9, -3)

Can you help with this one too

Of course, please provide the problem.

The maximum weight allowed per car on The Twister carnival ride is 263 pounds. Your friend weighs 86 pounds. To be able to ride in a car together, how much can you weigh? Write and solve the inequality.

x + 177 <=263: at most 86 pounds

x - 86 < 263 at most 177 pounds

x + 86 <= 263 at most 177 pounds

x + 86 <= 177 at most 263 pounds


The correct inequality is:

x + 86 ≤ 263

where x is the weight of the other person who wants to ride with a friend who weighs 86 pounds.

To solve for x, we need to isolate it on one side of the inequality:

x ≤ 263 - 86

x ≤ 177

Therefore, the other person cannot weigh more than 177 pounds to ride with their friend who weighs 86 pounds.

What about this one?

Sure! Please provide the problem.

14. Write an inequality for the sentence. Then solve the inequality.

Thirteen less than a number is at most 9.

x - 13 < 9 ; x <= 22

x - 13 >= 9 x >= 22

x - 9 > 13 x < 22

x - 9 <= 13 x < 22

The correct inequality for the sentence is:

x - 13 ≤ 9

To solve for x, we need to isolate x on one side of the inequality:

x - 13 ≤ 9

x ≤ 9 + 13

x ≤ 22

Therefore, the solution is x ≤ 22.

This one?