The overall effect of the five amendments was to extend the vote to

1 a larger portion of us citizens 2 a limited number of citizens 3 tax paying citizens 4 citizens qualified by race and gender 5those xitizens who must pay for priviledge

To determine the overall effect of the five amendments that extended the vote, we first need to identify which five amendments are being referred to. Typically, when discussing amendments that expanded voting rights, the following five amendments are mentioned:

1. The Fifteenth Amendment (1870): This amendment prohibits the denial of voting rights based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

2. The Nineteenth Amendment (1920): This amendment grants women the right to vote, ensuring gender equality in the electoral process.

3. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment (1964): This amendment prohibits the imposition of a poll tax as a requirement for voting. Poll taxes were often a means to disenfranchise minorities and low-income individuals.

4. The Twenty-Sixth Amendment (1971): This amendment lowers the voting age from 21 to 18 years old, allowing young adults to participate in the democratic process.

5. The Twenty-Third Amendment (1961): This amendment grants residents of Washington, D.C., the right to vote in presidential elections, providing them with representation in the Electoral College.

The overall effect of these amendments was to extend voting rights to specific groups that had previously been marginalized or excluded from the democratic process. By prohibiting racial discrimination, granting women the right to vote, eliminating poll taxes, expanding voting eligibility to young adults, and ensuring representation for residents of Washington, D.C., these amendments aimed to promote greater inclusivity and equality in the electoral system.

Which five amendments?

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