John who is 15 years old, is 3 years older than his younger brother Paul. If James their brother is 21years old. What is the average of the three brothers

the average of three numbers is just 1/3 of their sum.

So, add 'em up and divide by 3.
The only trick is figuring out how old Paul is ...


To find the average of the three brothers' ages, you need to calculate the total sum of their ages and then divide it by the number of brothers. In this case, you have three brothers: John, Paul, and James.

First, let's determine Paul's age. It is given that John is 3 years older than Paul, and John's age is given as 15. So, we subtract 3 years from John's age to find Paul's age:

Paul's age = John's age - 3 = 15 - 3 = 12

Now, we know Paul's age is 12 and James's age is given as 21.

Next, we calculate the sum of their ages:

Sum of the ages = John's age + Paul's age + James's age
= 15 + 12 + 21
= 48

Finally, to find the average age, divide the sum of their ages by the number of brothers (3):

Average age = Sum of the ages / Number of brothers
= 48 / 3
= 16

Therefore, the average age of the three brothers is 16.