1) what is the side effect (long term and short term) of weed?

2) why did justin trudeau legalized weed if he knows the side effect of it.


Many marijuana users suffer no or little bad side effects. Why should we pay to keep these people in jail and disrupt their families when it's no more dangerous than many other substances?

thanks ms.sue, can you help anonymous with his math help

I just deleted Anonymous's long post because it was plagiarized. No source was given.

1) The side effects of weed can vary depending on the individual and the amount and frequency of use. In the short term, common effects include relaxation, altered perception of time, increased appetite, dry mouth, bloodshot eyes, impaired coordination, and memory and concentration problems. Other potential short-term side effects can include anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations, especially with high doses or in susceptible individuals. It's important to note that these effects can vary and may be influenced by factors such as the strain of cannabis, method of consumption, and an individual's overall health.

In terms of long-term effects, research is still ongoing and much of the available evidence is based on observational studies. Some potential long-term side effects of heavy and prolonged cannabis use can include respiratory issues such as chronic bronchitis, reduced lung function, and an increased risk of lung cancer. Additionally, regular and heavy cannabis use during adolescence may impact brain development and be associated with cognitive impairments, especially in areas related to memory, attention, and learning. Some studies have also suggested a potential link between heavy use of cannabis and mental health issues, such as an increased risk of developing psychosis, particularly in individuals with a predisposition for psychiatric disorders.

2) The decision to legalize weed is a complex one and can involve many factors. It is not accurate to assume that Justin Trudeau, or any other government official, legalized weed despite knowing its side effects. The legalization of cannabis can be based on a variety of reasons, including public health, social justice, economic considerations, and shifting societal attitudes towards drug policy.

Governments and policymakers often weigh the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis use. The decision to legalize and regulate cannabis is often driven by the aim to mitigate the harms associated with its use, such as reducing the illegal drug market, ensuring product quality and safety, and implementing measures to prevent youth access and promote responsible use.

Additionally, public opinion can influence the decision-making process. In the case of Justin Trudeau, the Canadian government conducted extensive research and consultations with experts, stakeholders, and the public before deciding to legalize cannabis. The goal was to create a system that regulated and controlled the production, distribution, and consumption of cannabis to address potential harms while also respecting individual freedoms and personal choices.