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Identify one possible short-term and long-term consequence of eating a high-fat diet, including foods like cookies, cake, ice cream, and pizza.
(1 point)

short-term: stomach ache, long-term: weight loss
short-term: stomach ache, long-term: weight loss

short-term: obesity, long-term: stomach ache
short-term: obesity, long-term: stomach ache

short-term: stomach ache, long-term: obesity
short-term: stomach ache, long-term: obesity

short-term: weight loss, long-term: tooth decay
short-term: weight loss, long-term: tooth decay
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The correct answer is:

short-term: stomach ache, long-term: obesity

Short-term: stomach ache

Long-term: obesity

U sure

Yes, I am sure that the short-term consequence of eating a high-fat diet can include stomach aches, and the long-term consequence can be obesity. This is because consuming foods high in fat can lead to weight gain over time, increasing the risk of developing obesity.

The correct answer is: short-term: stomach ache, long-term: obesity

Explanation: Eating a high-fat diet, which includes foods like cookies, cake, ice cream, and pizza, can have short-term and long-term consequences on our health. In the short-term, consuming these foods can lead to discomfort such as a stomach ache, bloating, or indigestion due to the high amount of fat and sugar present in these foods. However, in the long-term, consistently eating a high-fat diet can result in obesity. This is because high-fat foods tend to be calorie-dense, meaning they contain a lot of calories in a small portion size. Over time, regularly consuming more calories than your body needs can lead to weight gain and, ultimately, obesity. It is important to maintain a balanced diet and limit the intake of high-fat foods to prevent these health issues.