PS. how to do this is below the questions

Heat Transfer Example method of heat transfer entire lake is heated by water 1.
from a hot spring at the bottom of the

2. sunlight melts a wax crayon left outside. 2.

3. a burner on a stove heats the bottom 3.
of a pot

4. the inside frame of your front door feels 4.
cold during winter.

5. a kite rises hight about a hot, sand beach. 5.

6. you feel the warm glow of a bonfire 6.

fill in the space in the table by writing whether the heat is transferred by convection, radiation, or conduction.

I will be happy to critique your thinking.

Thanks for the help

Heat Transfer Example Method of Heat Transfer

1. An entire lake is heated by water Convection
from a hot spring at the bottom of the

2. Sunlight melts a wax crayon left outside. Radiation

3. A burner on a stove heats the bottom Conduction
of a pot.

4. The inside frame of your front door feels Conduction
cold during winter.

5. A kite rises high above a hot, sand beach. Convection

6. You feel the warm glow of a bonfire. Radiation

1. an entire lake is heated by water from a hot spring at the bottom of the lake.

Method of heat transfer: Convection

Explanation: In this scenario, heat is transferred through convection. Hot water from the spring at the bottom of the lake rises to the surface, while cooler water sinks to the bottom. This creates a circulation of heat throughout the lake.

2. sunlight melts a wax crayon left outside.

Method of heat transfer: Radiation

Explanation: When sunlight hits the wax crayon, it transfers heat through radiation. Radiation is the process of transferring heat energy through electromagnetic waves. In this case, the heat from the sun's rays is transferred to the crayon, causing it to melt.

3. a burner on a stove heats the bottom of a pot

Method of heat transfer: Conduction

Explanation: Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact. In this situation, the burner directly heats the bottom of the pot, and the heat is conducted from the burner to the pot.

4. the inside frame of your front door feels cold during winter.

Method of heat transfer: Conduction

Explanation: When the inside frame of a front door feels cold during winter, it is due to conduction. The cold air outside comes into contact with the frame, and the heat is conducted from the frame to the colder surrounding air.

5. a kite rises high above a hot, sandy beach.

Method of heat transfer: Convection

Explanation: Convection is the method of heat transfer in this scenario. The hot sand heats the surrounding air, creating thermal updrafts. This rising hot air helps lift the kite higher into the sky.

6. you feel the warm glow of a bonfire.

Method of heat transfer: Radiation

Explanation: When you feel the warm glow of a bonfire, the heat is transferred through radiation. The bonfire emits heat energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, and you feel this radiation as warmth on your body.