Determine whether each event is impossible, unlikely, as likely as not, likely or certain. Then tell whether the probability is 0, close to 0, 1/2, close to 1 or 1.

2. Randomly picking a green card from a standard deck of playing cards.
My answers is that this is unlikely because there are 52 cards in a deck.
I feel that the probability is close to 0.

I am knew to this so I am not sure if I have the correct answer. Is this correct?

Thank you

How many green cards have you seen in a deck of playing cards?

No green cards. So the probability is 0 and it is impossible.

Yes, you're right.

Hello Ms. Sue. I appreciate your help on this. I don't know what I was thinking at first until you pointed this out. :)

You are on the right track! Let's break down the question to determine the probability more accurately.

To start, we need to know the composition of a standard deck of playing cards. A deck consists of 52 cards, with four suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades) and each suit having 13 cards (Ace to 10, and the face cards Jack, Queen, and King). Among the four suits, there are two green-colored suits: clubs and spades.

Now, when randomly picking a card from the deck, you have an equal chance of picking any one card out of the 52. However, only 2 out of the 52 cards are green (the club's cards and the spade's cards).

So, to determine the likelihood of randomly picking a green card, we can say it is unlikely because there are only 2 green cards out of the 52 total cards.

The probability can be found by dividing the number of favorable outcomes (picking a green card) by the total number of possible outcomes (picking any card). Therefore, the probability would be 2/52, which simplifies to 1/26.

So, your answer that picking a green card from a standard deck of playing cards is unlikely is correct.

Regarding the probability, you stated it is close to 0. While it is not exactly 0, it is indeed a small probability since it is 1 out of 26. Therefore, your answer is also correct.

Keep up the good work, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions!