Which source would you use if you wanted to know how it feels like to be at an event in history?

A. A timeline of the event
B. A textbook summary of the event
C. A video of retelling of the event
D. A journal entry from a participant at the event

Hmmmm most likely a journal entry from a participant at an event

also sorry if im wrong oof tell me if i am

If u r in 6th grade, u can always come to "ALL SUBJECTS FOR 6TH GRADERS ONLY"!

If you wanted to know how it feels like to be at an event in history, the most insightful source would likely be option D: A journal entry from a participant at the event.

A timeline of the event (option A) would provide a chronological outline of what happened, but it would not give much information about personal experiences or emotions.

A textbook summary of the event (option B) might provide some context and analysis, but it would generally present a more objective perspective rather than focusing on the personal experiences of individuals.

A video retelling of the event (option C) could potentially include personal stories and emotions, but it would depend on the specific video. Additionally, videos can sometimes be edited or have a bias, so it's important to consider the credibility and authenticity of the source.

On the other hand, a journal entry from a participant at the event (option D) would likely provide a firsthand account of the experiences, emotions, and observations of someone who was actually there. This can give you a deeper insight into what it was like to be at the event and provide a more personal perspective on the historical moment.

Therefore, if you want to understand how it feels like to be at an event in history, seeking out a journal entry from a participant at the event would be the best source to explore.