The first day of my vacation was like the first day of spring: bright, cool, and colorful.

Which literary device is used in this sentence?

A) Allusion

B) Hyperbole

C) Imagery

D) Simile **

I'm leaning towards D because the sentence uses "like", but I also think it might be C because it puts an image in your head.

Simile is the more specific answer.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

I know because I did the test

You are correct in considering both option C, imagery, and option D, simile, in this sentence. Both options are valid literary devices that are present in the sentence.

Option C, imagery, refers to the use of vivid or sensory language to create a mental image or visual representation. In the sentence, the words "bright, cool, and colorful" help evoke a specific image or scenery, painting a picture of a pleasant and vibrant first day of vacation.

Option D, simile, involves the comparison of two different things using the words "like" or "as." In this sentence, the phrase "like the first day of spring" is a simile because it compares the first day of the vacation to the characteristics of spring. The simile helps to convey the idea that the first day of the vacation had similar qualities to the first day of spring, such as brightness, coolness, and colorfulness.

Therefore, both options C (imagery) and D (simile) are accurate for this sentence, but if you were asked to choose only one, option D (simile) would be the most appropriate answer since it directly highlights the comparison being made with the use of "like."