While on vacation, the Ferreira family will be driving 5 hours every day. They want to cover at least 240 miles each day. The inequality 5s≥240 expresses the average speed, s, they must maintain in miles per hour. What is the solution of this inequality?(1 point)


To solve the inequality 5s ≥ 240 for the average speed, s, we need to isolate s on one side of the inequality symbol.

First, we can divide both sides of the inequality by 5:
5s/5 ≥ 240/5
s ≥ 48

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is s ≥ 48 miles per hour. This means that the Ferreira family must maintain an average speed of at least 48 miles per hour in order to cover at least 240 miles in 5 hours each day while on vacation.

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To find the solution of the inequality, we need to solve for "s".

Given inequality: 5s ≥ 240

To isolate "s", we can divide both sides of the inequality by 5:

5s/5 ≥ 240/5

This simplifies to:

s ≥ 48

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is s ≥ 48.

To find the solution of the inequality 5s ≥ 240, you need to solve for s.

To isolate s, divide both sides of the inequality by 5:
5s/5 ≥ 240/5
s ≥ 48

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is s ≥ 48. This means that the average speed the Ferreira family must maintain in miles per hour is at least 48.

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