Which of the following is typically associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants in a water supply?

An increase in dissolved oxygen
A decrease in dissolved oxygen
An increase in phosphates
A decrease in phosphates

is it b

The second answer is correct. That is part of the reason it is so bad to kill coral reefs. No reef = no oxegen

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options and their potential effects on photosynthesizing plants in a water supply:

A) An increase in dissolved oxygen: Dissolved oxygen is essential for the respiration of aquatic organisms. While it doesn't directly affect photosynthesizing plants, an increase in dissolved oxygen levels can actually promote plant growth because it supports the survival and activity of other organisms, like fish, that help distribute nutrients and enhance the overall health of the ecosystem. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants.

B) A decrease in dissolved oxygen: On the other hand, a decline in dissolved oxygen levels can negatively impact photosynthesizing plants. If the water becomes oxygen-depleted, it can lead to the death of aerobic organisms. Anaerobic organisms might thrive in these conditions, producing compounds toxic to plants. Therefore, a decrease in dissolved oxygen is a plausible factor associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants.

C) An increase in phosphates: Phosphates are essential nutrients required by plants for growth. An increase in phosphates within a water supply can enhance the availability of this nutrient, which can potentially support photosynthesizing plants. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants.

D) A decrease in phosphates: A decline in phosphates can limit the availability of this essential nutrient for plants. In turn, this can impair their ability to carry out photosynthesis and negatively affect their growth. Therefore, a decrease in phosphates is a plausible factor associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants.

Based on our analysis, it appears that option B) "A decrease in dissolved oxygen" is the most likely choice associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants in a water supply.

Yes, you are correct. A decrease in dissolved oxygen in a water supply is typically associated with a reduction in photosynthesizing plants.