Which outcome is the most likely result of eutrophication of a waterway?


a- overpopulation of aquatic plants

b- toxic bacteria in the water supply

c- reduced storm runoff

d- reduction of the algae population

a- overpopulation of aquatic plants

The most likely result of eutrophication of a waterway is option a - overpopulation of aquatic plants. Eutrophication occurs when excessive nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, enter a waterway. These nutrients promote the growth of algae and other aquatic plants. As a result, the waterway becomes overgrown with plants, forming dense mats on the surface.

To determine the most likely result of eutrophication of a waterway, we need to understand what eutrophication is. Eutrophication occurs when excess nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus) enter a body of water, leading to an increase in the growth of aquatic plants (particularly algae) and a subsequent decline in water quality.

To answer the question, we need to assess the potential outcomes based on our understanding of eutrophication:

a) Overpopulation of aquatic plants: This is a likely outcome of eutrophication. The excessive nutrients in the waterway serve as "fertilizer" for algae and other aquatic plants, leading to their rapid growth.

b) Toxic bacteria in the water supply: Although not the most directly linked outcome of eutrophication, it is possible. As the excess growth of algae and other aquatic plants occurs, their decomposition process consumes oxygen, leading to oxygen depletion in the water. This low oxygen environment can result in the growth of anaerobic bacteria, some of which may produce toxins harmful to humans and aquatic life.

c) Reduced storm runoff: This outcome is not directly related to eutrophication. Eutrophication primarily affects water quality and aquatic ecosystems, whereas storm runoff refers to the flow of water from precipitation events.

d) Reduction of the algae population: This outcome is unlikely as eutrophication tends to promote the growth of algae and other aquatic plants due to the increased availability of nutrients.

Based on the options provided (a, b, c, d), the most likely result of eutrophication of a waterway is "a- overpopulation of aquatic plants."