what is the formula for calculating area of shaded part

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i can not draw it here i wz just asking if there is any particular formula

There are different formulas for areas of circles, rectangles, triangles, etc.

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To calculate the area of a shaded part, you need to have specific information or parameters about the shape for which the shaded part is a portion. Once you have that information, you can use the appropriate formula.

Here are some common formulas to calculate the area of different shapes:

For a rectangle:
If the shaded part is a rectangle, you need to know the length and the width of the rectangle. The area is calculated by multiplying the length by the width: Area = length x width

For a triangle:
If the shaded part is a triangle, you need to know the base and the height of the triangle. The area is calculated by multiplying half of the base length by the height: Area = 0.5 x base x height

For a circle:
If the shaded part is a circular sector (a portion of a circle), you need to know the radius of the circle and the angle of the sector. The area of a circle is calculated by multiplying pi (approximately 3.14159) by the square of the radius. To find the area of the shaded sector, you need to calculate the fraction of the total circle's area that the sector represents. This is done by dividing the angle of the sector by 360 (the total angle in a circle) and multiplying it by the area of the full circle: Area = (angle/360) x pi x radius^2

For other irregular shapes:
If the shaded part is an irregular shape, you can break it down into smaller shapes (like rectangles, triangles, circles, etc.) and calculate the area of each individual shape. Then, sum up the areas of all the individual shapes to find the total area of the shaded part.

Remember, the specific formula to use depends on the shape of the shaded part.