find the area of she shaded region and round to the nearest tenth.. the shaded part is 2m the bottom in 24m and so is the side of the block

To find the area of the shaded region, we need to calculate the area of the entire block and subtract the area of the unshaded regions.

The bottom of the block is given as 24m, and the side of the block is also given as 24m. So the area of the bottom face is 24m x 24m = 576m².

Since the shaded part is 2m, the unshaded part on each side is 24m - 2m = 22m. The unshaded area on each side is (22m x 24m) = 528m². Since the block has 2 sides, the total unshaded area is 2 x 528m² = 1056m².

Therefore, the area of the shaded region is 576m² - 1056m² = -480m². However, negative area doesn't make sense in this context, so we can conclude that there must be an error in the given information or the problem statement.

Please double-check your numbers or provide any additional information if available.