Cumulus clouds have flat bases and lumpy tops. The tops are usually 1 mile above sea level. To find the height in feet of the base of a cumulus cloud, you can use the formula: height = 222 (air temperature - dew-point temperature). The air and dew-point temperatures are in degrees Fahrenheit.

a. Find the height of the base of a cumulus cloud when the air temperature is 80°F and the dew-point temperature is 70°F.
b. Suppose the dew point drops and the air temperature remains constant. What happens to the height of the base of the cloud? Explain.

Is there any reason you can't try this on your own? You are given the formula.

I have NO time at all. I'm not getting into details. I need the answer immediately please.

Well, it appears to me you are answer grazing or taking a test. Sorry. I will be happy to critique your thinking or work, but I am fairly certain you do not want that.

It's homework. But I have to be somewhere really soon and I have to have this finished by then. I don't understand this question!

b. doesn't require much thinking.

h=222(constant-variable) so if the variable gets smaller, the ( ) gets larger, so h gets larger (higher).
a. Simple calculator work. You can also punch in the

222(80-70) in the google search window and it will do it for you.

Ohhh! Thank you!

a. To find the height of the base of a cumulus cloud when the air temperature is 80°F and the dew-point temperature is 70°F, we can use the formula:

height = 222 (air temperature - dew-point temperature)

Substituting the given values:

height = 222 (80 - 70)
= 222 * 10
= 2220 feet

Therefore, the height of the base of the cumulus cloud in this case is 2220 feet.

b. When the dew point drops and the air temperature remains constant, the difference between the air temperature and the dew point temperature increases.

According to the formula, the height of the base of the cloud is directly proportional to the difference between the air temperature and the dew-point temperature. So, if the difference increases, the height of the base of the cloud will also increase.

In other words, as the dew-point temperature drops, the height of the base of the cloud will increase. This means that the base of the cloud will be higher above sea level compared to when the dew point was higher.

It is important to note that other factors such as atmospheric conditions and moisture content can also influence the height of the cloud base, but the given formula provides a general estimate based on the difference between the air and dew-point temperatures.