-identify a major social problem

-analyze and comment upon the effects of the chosen social problem
-use historical documents to analyze the effects of the chosen social problem during the time. (does my essay off topic?)

During the eighteenth century and nineteenth century, Britain was undergoing many social problems. In the book of Frankenstein, Mary Shelly tried to show us the role of women during the time. Women during that time did not receive the fairness treatment as women today. They had to face many social handicaps like sexism, discrimination, and the separation of sphere.

One major social problem that can be identified from your essay topic is the unequal treatment and marginalized status of women in the eighteenth and nineteenth century Britain. This social problem encompassed various issues such as sexism, discrimination, and the separation of spheres.

To analyze and comment upon the effects of this social problem, you can refer to historical documents and sources that provide insights into the experiences of women during that time period. These documents could include literature, diaries, letters, legal papers, or any other relevant sources that shed light on the societal attitudes towards women and the consequences they faced. Some possible sources to explore might include writings by feminist authors, court cases regarding women's rights, or personal accounts of women's struggles for equality.

By examining historical documents, you can gain a deeper understanding of the effects of this social problem. This could include addressing issues such as limited educational opportunities for women, restricted career options, denial of legal rights, and societal pressures to conform to traditional gender roles. You can then comment upon the impact of these effects on the lives of women during the time, such as the restriction of their potential and autonomy, as well as their overall social status and well-being.

When determining if your essay is off topic or not, it is important to evaluate whether the chosen social problem aligns with the main focus of your essay. From your description, it seems that you are primarily discussing the treatment and role of women during the eighteenth and nineteenth century in Britain. As long as you support your analysis with historical documents and demonstrate a clear connection to the chosen social problem, your essay appears to be on topic. However, it is always a good idea to consult with your instructor or consider specific essay guidelines to ensure that you are meeting the requirements of the assignment.