Biomedical and psychotherapy are two basic approaches to treating psychological disorders. A number of approaches fall under the category of psychotherapy, but they all include the following four essential characteristics:

1. systematic interaction between a client and a therapist
2. Based on psychological theory and research
3. Influence a client’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior
4. Used in treating disorders, adjustment problems, and to foster personal growth

Briefly explain the biomedical approach , psychodynamic, humanistic existential, behavior, and cognitive approaches to psychotherapy listed in your text.

My answer:

Psychotherapy is a method used to treat mental and emotional disorders. People that suffer from these disorders talk to a mental health professional about their concerns and other related issues through a series of scheduled sessions. This method can also be referred to as counseling.
Biomedical approach deals with biological in-balance. Through this form of treatment, a pathologist performs a series of tests to assess appropriate method of treatment that will bring the body chemical back to their natural state. The role of the therapist is similar to that of a medical doctor which has for goal to stabilize mental health by use of appropriate dosage of medication.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy deals with the subconscious by raising the awareness of unconscious thoughts and behaviors. In essence, the purpose of psychodynamic is to teach an individual new insights and methods of conflict resolution by exploring their thoughts and past, as well as offering support that will enable them to live a happier life. This form of treatment is one of the most commonly used types of psychotherapy because it is conducted in an office setting, sitting face-to-face with a therapist, it is less intense and the treatments are shorter.

Contrary to the psychodynamic method, the humanistic-existential approach does not deal with what happened in the past, it focuses instead on an individual sense of purpose or meaning in life. In the humanistic-existential form of treatment, the therapist does not make interpretation or attempt to change the clients’ behavior. The therapist main objective is to show acceptance toward the clients and allows them to choose

Many types of psychotherapy are available. They are all valid in their own way: some focus on changing current behavior patterns and others focus on understanding past issues. Although, they use different method, they have a similar goal which is to help people cope with every day issues and achieve mental health. It is really up to the individual to determine what method best suiting them.

Rose -- you may need to type those characteristics and the rest of your assignment.

Check again Ms. Sue.

I paste the entire assignment.


The behavior approach to psychotherapy focuses on studying and modifying an individual's behavior. It is based on the belief that unhealthy behaviors are learned and can be changed through conditioning and reinforcement. The therapist uses techniques such as operant conditioning, where positive behaviors are reinforced and negative behaviors are discouraged, to help the client develop healthier patterns of behavior.

The cognitive approach to psychotherapy emphasizes the role of an individual's thoughts and beliefs in shaping their emotions and behaviors. The therapist works with the client to identify and challenge negative or irrational thoughts and replace them with more positive and rational ones. This approach focuses on changing cognitive distortions and faulty thinking patterns that contribute to psychological distress.

In order to find more detailed information about these approaches, you can refer to your textbook or other reliable sources on psychology and psychotherapy. These sources will provide in-depth explanations of each approach, including specific techniques used by therapists and evidence supporting their effectiveness. Additionally, you can also consult with a mental health professional who specializes in psychotherapy to gain a better understanding of these approaches and their applicability to different individuals and conditions.