Without our two political parties cutting across economic and geographic interests democracy as we know it could never have been made to funtion. The author probably meant to suggest that

a) an important feature of u.s. political system is the broadly based appeal of the two political parties
b) each political party appeals to a different social class
c) only a two-party system can funtion in a democracy
d) political parties in the United States tend to represent sectional interests
e) there is no significant difference between the democratic and republican parties

What do YOU THINK the answer is and why? Let us know and someone here will comment on your thinking.

Try the process of elimination so that you can narrow down your choices to what you REALLY have to think about. For example, "e" is clearly off the mark, so cross it off.

i think is c) but i'm not sure

Remember to add WHY you think so. Only when we know what you're thinking can we really help you.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the statement and consider the meaning behind it. The author is suggesting that the presence of two political parties with different interests is crucial for the successful functioning of democracy.

To find the answer, we need to analyze the options:

a) This option states that an important feature of the U.S. political system is the broadly based appeal of the two political parties. This aligns with the author's suggestion and could be a possible answer.

b) This option claims that each political party appeals to a different social class. While this may be true to some extent, it doesn't fully capture the author's intention.

c) This option suggests that only a two-party system can function in a democracy. While the statement points to the necessity of two parties, it doesn't explicitly state that only a two-party system can function. Therefore, it may not be the correct answer.

d) This option states that political parties in the United States tend to represent sectional interests. This option does not directly address the broader appeal of the two parties mentioned by the author, making it less likely to be the intended answer.

e) This option claims that there is no significant difference between the Democratic and Republican parties. This goes against the author's suggestion, as they stress the importance of the two parties having different interests.

After considering the options, the most suitable answer appears to be:

a) An important feature of the U.S. political system is the broadly based appeal of the two political parties.

This option aligns with the author's suggestion that the presence of two political parties with different interests is crucial for democracy to function successfully.