Tip and Sales tax cause a restaurant bill to____.

a. increase
b. decrease
c. stay the same
d. be unaffordable

When estimating using money for a purchase, you should_____.
a. round up
b. round down
c. estimate up to the nearest dollar or half dollar
d. estimate down to the nearest dollar or half dollar

You purchase a piece of cake for $3.49. What would be a good estimation for just purchasing the cake?
a. 3.00
b. 3.50
c. 4.00
d. 3.75

Your total restaurant bill for food, drinks, and tip is $37.40. What is a good estimate cost for just the food and drinks?
a. 33.50
b. 37.00
c. 36.00
d. 34.00

the answers are

just got 4/4 100%

UMMMMM MS. FREAKIN SUE the answer for number 4 is OPTION D, SO U WERE WRONG, gawd . sue wildin, like bro cmon now

Number four is actually D

question 4 is D

Your first three are correct. I disagree with # 4. Of course it depends upon how much tip you leave, but the standard tip is 15% to 20% of the food and drink bill.

Hint: I mentally take 10% of the bill and then double it. I leave 20% or a little less for a tip.

So #4 would be A?


You were wrong

I'll be glad to check your answers.


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B is what I got are they correct? if not what are the correct answers?