how did the commercial revolution contribute to the discovery of America????

Europeans were looking for new trade routes to Asia,

thank you

You're welcome.

The Commercial Revolution played a crucial role in the discovery of America by creating a favorable economic climate and providing the necessary resources and tools for exploration. Here's an explanation of how the Commercial Revolution contributed to the discovery of America:

1. Economic Transformation: The Commercial Revolution, occurring from the 15th to the 18th century, marked a shift from feudalism to a more capitalist economy. This transformation brought changes such as the growth of trade, the emergence of merchant classes, and a rise in banking and finance. As a result, there was increased demand for new trade routes, products, and partnerships.

2. Expansion of Maritime Trade: Advances in navigation technology, such as the compass and the astrolabe, facilitated longer and safer sea voyages. In addition, the invention of the printing press enabled the wider dissemination of navigational charts, maps, and travel accounts.

3. Search for New Routes: European countries, particularly Portugal and Spain, sought alternative sea routes to reach the lucrative markets of Asia. The Ottoman Empire controlled the overland silk and spice trade routes, making oceanic exploration highly desirable. Consequently, explorers like Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama embarked on new maritime expeditions.

4. Joint Stock Companies: The development of joint stock companies allowed investors to fund risky and expensive exploration ventures. Companies, such as the Dutch East India Company and the English East India Company, were established to finance expeditions, establish colonies, and exploit the resources of newly discovered lands.

5. Mercantilism and Colonization: The rise of mercantilism, an economic theory of increasing national wealth through trade, drove European nations to establish colonies in distant lands. Colonies provided sources of raw materials, new markets, and valuable commodities, ensuring economic gains for the mother country. This led to increased exploration, colonization, and ultimately the discovery of America.

To summarize, the Commercial Revolution fueled the search for new trade routes, promoted technological advancements in navigation, provided financial support through joint stock companies, and created an economic climate conducive to exploration and colonization. These factors collectively contributed to the discovery of America by European explorers.