lord of the files book in chapter 10 the question is why is roger so exited at the prospect of the beating of willard

This site will give you some very helpful information.


Roger is "Jack’s “lieutenant.” A sadistic, cruel older boy "

To answer your question about why Roger is so excited at the prospect of the beating of Willard in chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies, you can turn to SparkNotes. SparkNotes is a great resource for literary analysis, summaries, and character insights. It provides detailed breakdowns of the major events and themes in books, helping readers understand the nuances of a story.

To find the answer to your question, you can visit the SparkNotes website and search for the specific chapter of the book, Lord of the Flies, that you are interested in. Once you find the chapter summary, it should provide an analysis of the characters and their motivations. In this case, look for information on Roger's character and his actions towards Willard. It will explain why Roger is so excited about the beating.

By using resources like SparkNotes, you can gain a deeper understanding of the characters, their motivations, and the overall themes of the book. It's a valuable tool that helps you analyze literature and find explanations for character actions.