Evaluate � [double intergal (R xy dA)] , where R is the region bounded by x^2 +y^2 <=16 , x>=0 and y>=0

that is just

∫[0,4]∫[0,√(16-x^2)] xy dy dx

To evaluate the given double integral, we need to find the boundaries of integration and the integrand function.

Let's first find the boundaries of integration by analyzing the given region R. We are given that x^2 + y^2 <= 16, which represents a circle with a radius of 4 centered at the origin. Additionally, x >= 0 and y >= 0 indicate that we are only considering the region in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane.

From this information, we can determine the boundaries of integration as follows:
- For x, the lower bound is 0 (since x >= 0) and the upper bound is the equation of the circle, x^2 + y^2 = 16, rearranged to solve for x: x = sqrt(16 - y^2).
- For y, the lower bound is 0 (since y >= 0) and the upper bound is also the equation of the circle, y = sqrt(16 - x^2).

Now that we know the boundaries of integration, let's determine the integrand function. Not given in the question, an integrand function f(x, y) will be required to evaluate the integral. Without additional information, we cannot proceed further with the evaluation of the given double integral.

Please provide the specific function you want to integrate over this region, and I will assist you in evaluating the integral.