Click on the box to choose whether the italicized sentence supports the key sentence.

Key Sentence: Alexander Solzhenisyn had much tragedy in his life.

He became a victim of cancer while in or yes
He later moved to America. yes or no His book One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich tells the story of the cruel treatment he received in Siberia. no or yes He was not allowed to go to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize. no or yes He was sent to Siberia for writing a letter to a friend in which he disagreed with USSR policies. yes or no He received the Nobel Prize for one of his books. yes or no


To determine whether the italicized sentence supports the key sentence, you would need to analyze the information provided in the sentence and compare it to the key sentence.

Let's go through each sentence:

- "He became a victim of cancer while in prison." This sentence does not directly relate to the tragedy in Alexander Solzhenisyn's life, so it does not support the key sentence. Therefore, the answer is no.

- "He later moved to America." This sentence does not provide any information on tragedy in Alexander Solzhenisyn's life, so it does not support the key sentence. Therefore, the answer is no.

- "His book One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich tells the story of the cruel treatment he received in Siberia." This sentence does support the key sentence as it mentions the cruel treatment Alexander Solzhenisyn received, which is a form of tragedy. Therefore, the answer is yes.

- "He was not allowed to go to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize." This sentence does support the key sentence as it mentions another instance of tragedy in Alexander Solzhenisyn's life where he was not allowed to go and receive the Nobel Prize. Therefore, the answer is yes.

- "He was sent to Siberia for writing a letter to a friend in which he disagreed with USSR policies." This sentence does support the key sentence as it mentions Alexander Solzhenisyn's tragic experience of being sent to Siberia for expressing his disagreement. Therefore, the answer is yes.

- "He received the Nobel Prize for one of his books." This sentence does not provide information on tragedy in Alexander Solzhenisyn's life, so it does not support the key sentence. Therefore, the answer is no.

Based on this analysis, the sentences that support the key sentence are:
- His book One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich tells the story of the cruel treatment he received in Siberia.
- He was not allowed to go to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize.
- He was sent to Siberia for writing a letter to a friend in which he disagreed with USSR policies.

Key Sentence: Alexander Solzhenisyn had much tragedy in his life.

He became a victim of cancer while in prison.



What do YOU THINK about each one, yes or no? You really should separate them so you see each one individually.