Ben and Ken live in homes that are 10 miles apart. Both left their respective home at 10:00 am to visit the other person. If Joya travels at an average speed of 35mph and Tanya 45 mph, at what time will they cross each other?


Did you get two problems mixed up?

Sorry, pls ignore the names

Replace the name Joya and Tanya to Ben nd Ken respectively. Sorry.

To find out at what time Joya and Tanya will cross each other, we first need to determine the time it takes for both of them to cover the distance between their homes.

Let's denote the distance between their homes as d, which in this case is 10 miles. We will also use the formula:

time = distance / speed

For Joya, traveling at an average speed of 35 mph, the time taken to cover the distance will be:

time_Joya = 10 miles / 35 mph

time_Joya = 0.286 hours

For Tanya, traveling at an average speed of 45 mph, the time taken to cover the distance will be:

time_Tanya = 10 miles / 45 mph

time_Tanya = 0.222 hours

Now, to find out when they will cross each other, we need to determine the time elapsed since they both left at 10:00 am.

Since the average speed is distance divided by time, we can rearrange the formula to calculate time as:

time = distance / speed

Therefore, the time elapsed since 10:00 am will be:

time_elapsed = current_time - 10:00 am

Now, let's substitute the values we know so far:

time_elapsed = X hours - 0 hours

So, the time elapsed will be the same for both Joya and Tanya, as they both started at the same time.

To calculate the current time when they will cross each other, we add the time elapsed to 10:00 am as:

current_time = 10:00 am + time_elapsed

For example, if the time elapsed is 0.286 hours (for Joya), the crossing time for both of them will be:

current_time = 10:00 am + 0.286 hours

To convert the decimal part of the elapsed time to minutes, multiply it by 60:

decimal_part = 0.286 hours * 60 minutes/hour

decimal_part = 17.16 minutes

To find out the time, add the decimal part to the current hour:

current_time = 10:00 am + 0.286 hours + 17.16 minutes

Therefore, Joya and Tanya will cross each other at approximately 10:17 am.