Sort each spelling word by determining if it follows the v/vc or the vc/v pattern tyrant, equal, humor, recent, profile, linen, closet, student, smokey, legal, comet, shiver, minus, loser, punish, cavern, local, decent, vacant, panic.

pattern - vc/v

tyrant - v/cv
equal - v/cv

You'll find the rest of these in a dictionary such as

v/cv pattern

To determine if each spelling word follows the v/vc or the vc/v pattern, we need to identify the vowel and consonant sounds in each word. Here are the words sorted accordingly:

v/vc pattern:
1. tyrant
2. equal
3. recent
4. closet
5. smokey
6. student
7. legal
8. minus
9. punish
10. cavern
11. decent
12. vacant

vc/v pattern:
1. humor
2. profile
3. linen
4. comet
5. shiver
6. loser
7. local
8. panic

Note: In this context, "v" represents a vowel sound, and "c" represents a consonant sound.

To determine if each spelling word follows the v/vc or the vc/v pattern, you need to analyze the vowel and consonant patterns in each word.

The v/vc pattern refers to words that have a vowel followed by a consonant, such as "tyrant" (ty-rant), "recent" (re-cent), and "panic" (pan-ic). In these words, the vowel is followed by a consonant.

The vc/v pattern refers to words that have a consonant followed by a vowel, followed by another consonant, such as "equal" (e-qual), "closet" (clos-et), and "minus" (mi-nus). In these words, the consonant is followed by a vowel, followed by another consonant.

Using this information, we can categorize each word into the appropriate pattern:

v/vc pattern:
- tyrant
- recent
- panic

vc/v pattern:
- equal
- humor
- profile
- linen
- closet
- student
- smokey
- legal
- comet
- shiver
- minus
- loser
- punish
- cavern
- local
- decent
- vacant

By considering the vowel and consonant patterns in each word, you can determine whether they follow the v/vc or the vc/v pattern.