is 12x12=144?

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12x12 is 144

Yes, 12x12 equals 144. To verify this, you can multiply 12 by 12 manually.

Here's how you can do it step by step:
1. Start by multiplying the ones place of the two numbers, which are both 2. So, 2 multiplied by 2 equals 4.
2. Next, move on to multiplying the tens place of the two numbers, which are both 1. So, 1 multiplied by 1 equals 1.
3. Now, combine the two products you calculated: 1 and 4. This gives you 14.
4. Since you are multiplying tens by tens, you need to add a zero at the end of 14. Hence, the final result is 144.

So, 12x12 equals 144.