A school bus take 0.530h to reach the school from your house. If the average velocity of the bus is 19.0km/h to the east, what is the displacement ?

9.50 km/h

To find the displacement of the school bus, we need to multiply the average velocity by the time taken.

Average velocity of the bus = 19.0 km/h
Time taken = 0.530 h

To find the displacement, we will use the formula:

Displacement = Velocity × Time

Plugging in the given values:

Displacement = 19.0 km/h × 0.530 h

Calculating the result:

Displacement = 10.07 km

Therefore, the displacement of the school bus from your house to the school is 10.07 km to the east.

To find the displacement, you need to know the velocity and the time taken. Displacement is a vector quantity that represents the change in position, including both direction and magnitude.

In this case, the average velocity of the bus is given as 19.0 km/h to the east, indicating that the bus is moving in the positive x-direction.

To calculate the displacement, you can use the equation:

Displacement = Velocity × Time

In this equation, velocity and time must have the same units for the calculation to be accurate. Therefore, let's convert the time from hours to seconds, as velocity is typically defined in m/s.

Velocity = 19.0 km/h to the east
Time = 0.530 h

First, convert the time from hours to seconds:
0.530 hours * (60 minutes/hour) * (60 seconds/minute) = 1908 seconds

Next, convert the velocity from km/h to m/s:
19.0 km/h * (1000 m/km) * (1 hour/3600 seconds) = 5.28 m/s

Now that both the velocity and time are in the same units (m/s and seconds), you can calculate the displacement:

Displacement = 5.28 m/s * 1908 seconds = 10063.04 meters

Therefore, the displacement of the school bus from your house is 10063.04 meters to the east.