A) The average power output of the human heart is 1.33 watts. How much energy does the heart produce in a day?

B) Compare the energy found in part (a) with the energy required to walk up a flight of stairs. Estimate the height a person could attain on a set of stairs using nothing more than the daily energy produced by the heart.

A) E=P•24•3600 = ...

B) E=mgh
h=E/mg= P•24•3600/60 •9.8 = ....

A) 1.1x 10^5 J


A) To calculate the energy produced by the heart in a day, we first need to determine the number of seconds in a day. There are 24 hours in a day, and each hour has 60 minutes, and each minute has 60 seconds. So, the total number of seconds in a day is:

24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute = 86,400 seconds/day

Now, we can calculate the energy produced by the heart in a day by multiplying the power output by the time:

Energy = Power * Time
= 1.33 watts * 86,400 seconds
= 115,152 watts-seconds

Therefore, the heart produces approximately 115,152 watts-seconds of energy in a day.

B) To estimate the height a person could attain on a set of stairs using the energy produced by the heart in a day, we need to make some assumptions. Let's assume that the energy required to walk up a flight of stairs is 1 kilocalorie and that this energy can be converted into gravitational potential energy.

The conversion factor between kilocalories and joules is approximately 1 kilocalorie = 4184 joules.

Now, we can calculate the amount of energy produced by the heart in a day in kilocalories:

Energy (in kilocalories) = Energy (in watts-seconds) / Conversion factor
= 115,152 watts-seconds / 4184 joules/watt-second
≈ 27.54 kilocalories

Assuming all the energy produced by the heart can be used to ascend a flight of stairs, we can use the gravitational potential energy formula:

Potential Energy = Mass * Gravity * Height

Since we're interested in the height a person could attain using the energy produced by the heart, we can rearrange the formula to solve for height:

Height = Potential Energy / (Mass * Gravity)

Let's assume a person with a mass of 70 kilograms (approximately 154 pounds) and a gravitational acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared.

By substituting the values into the formula, we get:

Height = 27.54 kilocalories * 4184 joules/kilocalorie / (70 kilograms * 9.8 meters/second^2)
≈ 164.17 meters

Therefore, using only the daily energy produced by the heart, a person could potentially reach a height of about 164.17 meters or 539.28 feet on a set of stairs. However, it's important to note that this is a rough estimate and many other factors can impact the actual height attainable on a set of stairs.

To calculate the energy produced by the human heart in a day, we need to find the total power output (in watts) and then convert it to energy (in joules).

A) The average power output of the human heart is given as 1.33 watts.

To find the energy produced in a day, we need to multiply the power output by the time. Since we want the energy produced in a day, which is 24 hours, we can use the following equation:

Energy (in joules) = Power (in watts) × Time (in seconds)

But since we are dealing with hours, we need to convert hours to seconds. There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. So, there are 60 × 60 = 3600 seconds in an hour.

Energy (in joules) = (Power (in watts) × Time (in hours)) × 3600

Plugging in the values:

Energy (in joules) = (1.33 watts × 24 hours) × 3600

Now, let's calculate it:

Energy (in joules) = 1.33 × 24 × 3600 = 114,912 joules

Therefore, the human heart produces approximately 114,912 joules of energy in a day.

B) To compare the energy produced by the heart with the energy required to walk up a flight of stairs, we need to estimate the height a person could attain on a set of stairs using only the daily energy produced by the heart.

Let's assume that the energy required to climb a flight of stairs is 100 joules. The actual energy required may vary depending on factors like the height and difficulty of the stairs, the individual's body weight, and their efficiency in climbing stairs.

To find the height a person could attain, we can use the equation:

Height (in meters) = Energy (in joules) / Potential Energy (in joules)

Assuming the potential energy required to climb a flight of stairs is 100 joules:

Height (in meters) = 114,912 joules / 100 joules

Height (in meters) = 1149.12 meters

Therefore, using the daily energy produced by the heart alone, a person could potentially climb a set of stairs with a vertical height of approximately 1149.12 meters (3770.34 feet).