1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of both the substitution method and the elimination method for solving a system.

Help please. The only reasons I can think of is because in substitution it might be more difficult cause there's a possibility of working with fractions.

Actually, that is the best reason.

I use the following criterium.

If I see one of the variables having a coefficient of 1 OR -1, I solve for that variable and use substitution, resulting in no fractions, unless the equation contains fractions to begin with.

As a matter of fact if I see fractions in either one of my equations, I usually multiply each term by the LCD of the fractions, thereby eliminating the fractions.

g. 4x+5y = 12
3x-y = 9
I would solve for y in the second, then sub that into the first.
Of course if the answer itself is a fraction you would be stuck with thAT.

Sure! Let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both the substitution method and the elimination method for solving a system of equations.

Substitution Method:
1. Simplicity: The substitution method is generally straightforward and easy to understand. It involves replacing one variable in one equation with an expression involving the other variable from the second equation.
2. No constraints: The substitution method can be used for a wide range of equations, regardless of the coefficients or terms involved.

1. Complexity with fractions: As you mentioned, working with fractions can occasionally make the substitution method more complicated, especially if the equations involve fractions.
2. Potential for errors: There is a greater chance of making mistakes or errors when substituting variables and simplifying complex expressions, especially if the equations are extensive.

Elimination Method:
1. Less reliance on fractions: The elimination method is often preferred when dealing with equations containing fractions, as it typically allows for the elimination of fractions early in the process.
2. More appropriate for certain types of equations: If the equations have similar or identical coefficients of the same variable, the elimination method can often be more efficient and straightforward.

1. Complexity with certain coefficients: The elimination method can become more complex if the equations have significantly different coefficients or if the coefficients require significant manipulation to match.
2. Potential for rounding errors: Since the elimination method involves adding or subtracting equations, there is a possibility of rounding errors when dealing with decimal coefficients.

In summary, the substitution method is generally simpler but may be more complex when dealing with fractions. On the other hand, the elimination method is preferable for equations with fractions and similar coefficients but may become more complex with significantly different coefficients. It's important to consider the specific characteristics of the system of equations to determine which method is most appropriate.

The substitution method and the elimination method are two common techniques used to solve systems of equations. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each method:

Substitution Method:

1. It is generally easier to understand and follow the steps of the substitution method.
2. The substitution method is more straightforward when one of the equations in the system is already solved for a variable.
3. It does not require any manipulation of the original equations.

1. In some cases, substitution may introduce fractions, which can make the calculations more complex.
2. For systems with multiple variables, substitution can become time-consuming as it involves solving for one variable and substituting it into the other equation.

Elimination Method:

1. The elimination method is particularly useful when the coefficients of one of the variables are the same or multiples of each other.
2. It often leads to simpler equations with fewer variables, making the calculations less complex.

1. The elimination method requires more steps and can be more cumbersome to follow in comparison to the substitution method.
2. When dealing with large coefficients, it can be challenging to find a suitable term to eliminate.

In summary, the substitution method may be the preferred choice when equations are already solved for a variable or when clarity of steps is important. The elimination method is advantageous when coefficients have common multiples or when simpler equations are desirable. However, both methods have their own drawbacks, such as the introduction of fractions in substitution or the potential complexity and additional steps involved in elimination. Ultimately, the choice between the two methods depends on the specific system of equations and personal preference.