In solid form, what element has the lowest density? Which has the highest density?

1. Hydrogen is the lowest density solid
2.which element has the highest?

In solid form, what element has the lowest density? Which has the highest density?

-Hydrogen is the lowest density solid
2.which element has the highest?
can you help?

I gave you a link above.

To find out which element has the lowest density in solid form, you can consult the periodic table and look at the atomic masses and densities of different elements. Density is typically expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³).

In this case, hydrogen has the lowest density in solid form among the elements. However, it's important to note that hydrogen is usually a gas at standard temperature and pressure, and it becomes solid only under very low temperatures.

Now, to determine which element has the highest density in solid form, you can follow a similar approach. Looking at the periodic table, you will find that osmium, which is a transition metal, has the highest known density among the elements in solid form. The density of osmium is approximately 22.6 g/cm³.

So, to summarize:
1. Hydrogen has the lowest density in solid form, but it is primarily a gas under standard conditions.
2. Osmium has the highest density in solid form among the elements.