Provide 5 ways in which you critically discuss how cancer impacts on a teenager

That depends upon whether the teenager or someone else has cancer.

Provide 5 ways in which you critically discuss how life style/ behaviour diseases impact on the teenager?

no no am not going to answer just asking for five life style disease behaviour of drug abuse?answers plz

When critically discussing how cancer impacts on a teenager, it is important to consider multiple aspects and perspectives. Here are five ways to approach this topic:

1. Research relevant studies and statistics: Begin by gathering information from reputable sources such as medical journals, research publications, and cancer organizations. Look for studies that specifically focus on the impact of cancer on teenagers. Analyze the findings, identifying the physical, emotional, and social effects that cancer can have on this age group.

2. Review survivor stories and personal narratives: Listen to and read personal stories of teenagers who have experienced cancer. These narratives can provide valuable insights into their journeys, including their struggles, challenges, and triumphs. By critically examining these stories, you can gain a deeper understanding of the unique ways cancer impacts teenagers.

3. Analyze the impact on mental health and well-being: Teenagers with cancer often face significant psychological challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and body image issues. Explore the research and literature on the psychological impact of cancer in this age group. Consider factors like coping mechanisms, support systems, and interventions that may positively or negatively affect their mental health.

4. Consider the impact on education and social life: Cancer and its treatment can disrupt a teenager's education and social connections. Analyze how cancer impacts their ability to attend school, participate in extracurricular activities, and maintain relationships with peers. Consider the role of healthcare professionals, schools, and communities in supporting teenagers with cancer in these areas.

5. Examine the long-term effects and life after cancer: Explore the long-term effects of cancer on teenagers, both physically and emotionally. Investigate potential complications or late effects that may arise after treatment, such as fertility issues or post-traumatic stress disorder. Additionally, research the challenges and opportunities that arise as these teenagers transition into survivorship and adulthood.

Remember, evaluating the impact of cancer on teenagers requires a multi-dimensional approach. By critically examining scientific research, personal narratives, mental health, education, and long-term effects, a comprehensive understanding can be developed.