Hiv/Aids describe the life style disease/behaviour and explain 5 factors that contribute to the disease

There is no one pattern of life style or behavior for HIV/AIDs patients.

I d'nt knw,i wnt help please

This life style disease is to bad to other people. People who are infected, think that it is the end of the world, well infect is not true. But usually many people if they find out about you being affected they stat playin away from you. And that is not a great thing to do cause one day you might find yourself being affected and when they stat to exclude you, you will they are bad people. Please stop being delusional.

Sewage can cause ill health,accidents,crisis and sisaster in im ny community

Five factors that contribute to the life style disease of hiv/aids

Info abt life style behaviour on cancer

I have no answer guys im stuck 2

People please help i'm also stuck i need answers

Describe the life style

Im stuck i also want answers