having problems working this problem out please solve

49 5/2

49 5/2 = 51 1/2

create a frequency table, frequency polygon, and a histogram for the following question.here is a list of scores taken by 25 students, the numbers are 30,95,34,78,100,85,50,50,30,60,34,56,67,28,98,78,56,67,90,30,30,69,45,36,and 45.it has a interval of 20 and starts at 30,then 50.

To solve this problem, we need to determine the value of the expression 49 5/2.

To start, we can rewrite the expression as a mixed number. A mixed number consists of a whole number and a fraction.

First, we observe that 49 is divisible by 2 without any remainder. Dividing 49 by 2 gives us 24 with a remainder of 1.

So, the mixed number is 24 1/2.

Therefore, 49 5/2 is equal to 24 1/2.