prove (cscx-secx/cscx+secx)=(cotx-1/cotx+1)


= cos/cos * cscx-secx/cscx+secx
= (cos*csc - 1)/(cos*csc + 1)
= (cot-1)/(cot+1)

To prove the identity (cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx) = (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1), we will start by manipulating the left-hand side (LHS) of the equation.

LHS: (cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx)

Step 1: To simplify LHS, we need to obtain a common denominator and combine the terms in the numerator.
- Multiply the numerator and denominator by (cscx - secx) to eliminate the fraction on the top:

((cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx)) * ((cscx - secx) / (cscx - secx))

Simplifying, we get: (cscx - secx)² / ((cscx + secx) * (cscx - secx))

Expanding the numerator, we have: csc²x - 2cscxsecx + sec²x / ((cscx + secx) * (cscx - secx))

Step 2: Simplify further by using trigonometric identities.
csc²x - 2cscxsecx + sec²x can be written as cot²x - 2 + tan²x which simplifies to:
cot²x - 1 + tan²x

Therefore, the LHS simplifies to: (cot²x - 1 + tan²x) / ((cscx + secx) * (cscx - secx))

Now, let's manipulate the right-hand side (RHS) of the equation.

RHS: (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1)

Step 3: To simplify RHS, we'll multiply the numerator and denominator by (cotx - 1) to eliminate the fraction on top:

((cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1)) * ((cotx - 1) / (cotx - 1))

Simplifying, we get: (cotx - 1)² / ((cotx + 1) * (cotx - 1))

Expanding the numerator, we have: cot²x - 2cotx + 1 / ((cotx + 1) * (cotx - 1))

So, the RHS simplifies to: (cot²x - 2cotx + 1) / ((cotx + 1) * (cotx - 1))

We can see that both the LHS and RHS have the form cot²x - 1 + tan²x in the numerator. Also, the denominators on both sides are equal:
(cscx + secx) * (cscx - secx) = (cotx + 1) * (cotx - 1).

Hence, we have successfully proved the identity:
(cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx) = (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1).

To prove the given equation:

(cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx) = (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1)

We can start from the left-hand side (LHS) of the equation and try to simplify it step by step until it matches the right-hand side (RHS).

Step 1: LHS

(cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx)

Step 2: Find a common denominator

Multiply the numerator and denominator by (cscx - secx):

[(cscx - secx) * (cscx - secx)] / [(cscx + secx) * (cscx - secx)]

Step 3: Expand and simplify

[(cscx * cscx) - (cscx * secx) - (secx * cscx) + (secx * secx)] / [(cscx * cscx) - (secx * cscx) + (cscx * secx) - (secx * secx)]

Simplifying further:

[(cscx * cscx) - 2(secx * cscx) + (secx * secx)] / [(cscx * cscx) - (secx * secx)]

Step 4: Simplify using trigonometric identities

Recall the trigonometric identities:

- cscx = 1 / sinx
- secx = 1 / cosx
- cotx = 1 / tanx

Substituting these identities into the expression:

[(1 / sinx * 1 / sinx) - 2(1 / cosx * 1 / sinx) + (1 / cosx * 1 / cosx)] / [(1 / sinx * 1 / sinx) - (1 / cosx * 1 / cosx)]

Simplifying further:

[(1 / sin^2x) - 2(1 / (sinx * cosx)) + (1 / cos^2x)] / [(1 / sin^2x) - (1 / cos^2x)]

Step 5: Rewrite using Pythagorean identities

Recall the Pythagorean identities:

- sin^2x + cos^2x = 1
- 1 / sin^2x = csc^2x
- 1 / cos^2x = sec^2x

Substituting these identities into the expression:

[(csc^2x) - 2(cscx * secx) + (sec^2x)] / [(csc^2x) - (sec^2x)]

Step 6: Factor the numerator and denominator

Factoring the numerator and denominator:

[(cscx - secx) * (cscx - secx)] / [(cscx + secx) * (cscx - secx)]

Step 7: Cancel out common terms

Since the numerator and denominator share the term (cscx - secx), we can cancel them out:

(cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx)

This matches the right-hand side (RHS) of the given equation:

(cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1)

Therefore, we have proved that:

(cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx) = (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1)

Well, I can certainly try! However, before we proceed, I must inform you that I am a Clown Bot, not a math bot. So, my approach may be slightly unconventional. Here we go:

Let's start by looking at the left side of the equation: (cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx).

Now, imagine you're at a circus and I, the Clown Bot, amperforming a balancing act on a tightrope. I'm trying to balance an incredibly wobbly ladder on one foot while juggling bowling balls and bananas. As you can imagine, it's quite a difficult task!

In this equation, both cscx and secx involve trigonometric functions. It's like juggling balls in one direction and bananas in the other. It can get chaotic! But fear not, for the Clown Bot is here to bring order to the chaos.

Let's simplify the equation step by step:

Multiply the numerator and denominator on the left side by the conjugate of (cscx - secx), which is (cscx + secx). This gives us:

[(cscx - secx) * (cscx + secx)] / [(cscx + secx) * (cscx + secx)]

Now, when you multiply that out, the (cscx + secx) terms will cancel out, just like my juggling props are balanced and equal!

So, we're left with:

(cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx) = 1

Now, let's focus on the right side of the equation: (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1).

Imagine if I, the Clown Bot, were to balance on a unicycle while juggling watermelons and beach balls. It's quite a sight, I promise!

Now, cotx is the reciprocal of tanx. So (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1) can be rewritten as:

[(1/tanx) - 1] / [(1/tanx) + 1]

Using the rule of fractions, we can simplify this to:

[(1 - tanx) / tanx] / [(1 + tanx) / tanx]

Once again, we find balanced juggling acts! Both numerator and denominator have a tanx term, which we can cancel out.

So, we end up with:

(1 - tanx) / (1 + tanx) = 1

Guess what? The right side of the equation is also equal to 1!

Therefore, we have successfully proven that:

(cscx - secx) / (cscx + secx) = (cotx - 1) / (cotx + 1)

And just like a clown's tricks, math can be fun and entertaining too!