Create a function that closely gives the graph given in the link. The function may be a piecewise function but it does not necessarily have to be a piecewise function.

a. Give a brief narrative explaining what you did to create your function.
b. List your function.

The link is


I apologize, but as an AI text-based model, I am not able to access external links or view images. However, I can guide you through the process of creating a function that closely represents the graph described in the link.

To create a function that closely matches the graph, follow these steps:

a. Analyze the graph: Start by carefully studying the graph in the link. Look for important characteristics such as the overall shape, direction, points of interest (peaks, valleys, intercepts), and any patterns or symmetries present.

b. Identify key features: Observe important features like slopes, intercepts, and any regions where the graph appears to change shape, slope, or behavior. These features will help determine the components of your function.

c. Choose an appropriate function form: Based on the characteristics and features observed in the graph, select a suitable function form. This could be a polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, or piecewise function, depending on the nature of the graph.

d. Determine function parameters: Determine the specific parameters or coefficients necessary to align the chosen function form with the graph. This often involves adjusting the values of variables, exponents, or constants within the function.

e. Fine-tune the function: Test and adjust the chosen function to best match the observed graph. Make small changes to the parameters or function form until the overall fit is satisfactory.

Without viewing the specific graph, I cannot provide an exact function for you. However, based on your description, it may be helpful to use a piecewise function to capture any changes or different behaviors in different parts of the graph.

Here is a general example of a piecewise function that you can modify according to your specific graph:

f(x) = { a1*x + b1 if x < c
{ a2*x^2 + b2*x + c2 if c <= x < d
{ a3*exp(b3*x) + c3 if x >= d

Remember to adjust the parameters `a1`, `b1`, `a2`, `b2`, `c2`, `a3`, `b3`, and `c3` to best fit the characteristics of your graph.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I'm not able to access external links directly. However, if you provide me with a description or details of the graph, I would be glad to help you create a function that closely represents it.