How would I find the molality of NaCl with the following information?

initial temperature= 98degrees celsius
final temp=100 degrees celsius.


Disregard this question. I actually got the answer.

delta T = 100-98 = Kb*m

You know delta T and K, solve for m.

To find the molality of NaCl, you would need additional information such as the change in boiling point or the mass of NaCl or water. The given information of initial and final temperatures along with the boiling point elevation constant (Kbp) of water is not sufficient to calculate the molality directly.

However, if you have the change in boiling point (∆Tb) and the mass of the solvent (water), you can use the formula:

molality (m) = (∆Tb) / (Kbp * mass of water)

Please provide any additional information you have, such as the change in boiling point or the mass of the water or NaCl, so that I can assist you further in calculating the molality of NaCl in the solution.