Only three???

Here's one of my time management practices in middle school social studies. When students' homework assignment was to answer questions from the book, I encouraged them to answer the questions in complete sentences. They checked their own answers in class -- but I skipped around, didn't ask the questions in the order they were given, and called on the students randomly for the answers. They received credit for correct verbal answers.

What does your text say about time management?

One I used while teaching chemistry was working on new lectures or reading science newsprint when I had office hours. If students came by for help I stopped BUT if no one came by, I didn't waste the hour or so of office time. A second was to use hand outs which the department secretary typed up ahead of class time. That saved time since I didn't need to write it on the board.

Another good time management technique that I used helped the students and me. I handed out a syllabus at the beginning of each unit -- a practice not usually done in middle school. The syllabus was essentially a lesson plan -- it detailed the focus of each day's lesson and the assignment for each day.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. In addition to the above, knowing the attention span of each class, I spent so many minutes on each item in the lesson plan. There was always time for questions and we did a few examples of each homework so everyone knew what to do at home. Each day had a "core" lesson that the students knew had to be done (to be ready for the extensive exams we had in May) whether I was there or not. Be sure to include enough different activities to keep everyone interested and on task. The greatest compliment from my students (as far as I'm concerned" was "I'm never bored!"



Three time managing tips for teachers are:

1. Prioritize and Plan: Start by creating a to-do list or schedule at the beginning of each day or week. Identify the most important tasks that need to be completed and assign specific time slots to work on them. This way, you can focus on the most significant tasks first and avoid wasting time on less urgent activities.

2. Delegate and Outsource: Teachers often have a lot on their plates, so it's important to delegate tasks whenever possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help from colleagues or administrative staff. You can also consider outsourcing tasks like grading or lesson planning to free up more time for other responsibilities.

3. Set Boundaries and Practice Self-Care: It's crucial to establish boundaries to protect your personal time and well-being. Avoid taking work home every day, and set limits on checking emails or working outside of designated hours. Taking breaks, getting enough sleep, exercising, and engaging in hobbies are essential for recharging your energy and maintaining work-life balance.

Remember, these are just three general tips, and every teacher's situation may be different. If you want to adapt these tips to your specific needs, consider analyzing your time usage, identifying bottlenecks, and experimenting with various strategies to find what works best for you.