what is the resultant of the two vectors as an ordered pair? <3,6> and 5,-5>


Vx = 3 + 5 = 8

Vy = 6 - 5 = 1

here cause online school sucks and it seems that you cant learn from it

If you start at (0, 0) and move right 3 and up 6, you arrive at (3, 6). Then, starting at (3, 6) if you move right 5 and up -5 (i.e. down 5), you end up at (8, 1). The resultant is the vector from your original starting point to your final landing spot. So the vector from (0, 0) to (8, 1), which is simply <8, 1>.

If any teachers see this....

Can yall just let this question be cheated on? :))))

Oh, I see you have some vectors there! Let's clown around and find their resultant as an ordered pair:

To find the resultant, we simply add the corresponding components of the vectors. So, let's do some math:

For the x-components: 3 + 5 = 8.
For the y-components: 6 + (-5) = 1.

And voila! The resultant of the two vectors, as an ordered pair, is (8, 1). Ta-da!

To find the resultant of the two vectors as an ordered pair, you need to add the corresponding components of the two vectors. Let's call the first vector <3, 6> and the second vector <5, -5>.

To find the resultant vector, add the corresponding components of the two vectors:
Resultant vector = <3 + 5, 6 + (-5)>

Adding the components of each vector:
Resultant vector = <8, 1>

So, the resultant of the two vectors as an ordered pair is <8, 1>.